How to Play Suited Connectors

Enjoy playing poker? For all those beginners out there, poker has a lot of variations in the game and some hands are really fun to play. One of those is Suited Connectors. What does a suit mean in gambling? A suit is a set of cards that are set to be consecutive in order. For example, having an ace of spades and a king of spades makes a stronger hand than an ace of spades and king of hearts. Similarly, Suited Connector is one of the most fun hands to play in Hold Em Poker. However, Holding them requires a good understanding of bluffing, overall gameplay, and implied odds.
We’ll be covering the following topics in this article:
1. What are Suited Connectors?
2. How to Play Suited Connectors?
3. Why should you play suited Connectors?
4. Mistakes when Playing Suited Connectors
What are Suited Connectors?
There is a buzz in the poker industry with the growing popularity of a hand known as Suited Connectors. Even in the era of Online poker rooms, playing suited connectors, although tricky, can land you in a good position if used at the right time.
Before we begin with the details, let’s first understand what are Suited Connectors?
Suited connectors are cards that are paired together and can be very useful to have. It is very different from connectors which are also pairs but are not as strong as hand-like suited connectors. A fine example of a connector can be 5 of hearts and 6 of spades. However, an example of a suited connector would be 5 of spades and 6 of spades (because they both belong to the same suit) which gives the player holding this pair an upper hand.
How to Play Suited Connectors?
There are 2 ways to play the Suited connector hands in poker rooms in Online poker India, with the first being playing the hand in an Early Position. Although most suited connector hands are beneficial when used post-flop, playing out of position may sometimes prove to be difficult. Having good cards like 9 of spades and Jack of spades and raising these suited connectors can help to balance your range, giving you an advantage. However, if you are deciding to fold and are uncomfortable playing this hand at the early position, you can also play Suited Connectors post-flop.
When playing post-flop in poker rooms, it is better to play the games aggressively in order to improve your chances of winning. Think, if you can help your hand with the play then it is better to bet as you can win games without much fight. Most players still find this move to be tricky as their opponents are able to read them easily because of the popularity of this hand. However, if you play your cards right, you can stand to win a lot of money.
Why Play Suited Connectors?
As mentioned earlier, suited connectors are great when played at the right time if you're dealt with the right cards. Now comes the question. Why play suited connectors?
In poker games and especially online poker India, the games are mostly based on skill more than luck, and although these hands are not the most powerful, they are great drawing hands and must be played aggressively before the flop. Playing this hand increases your chances of winning by multiple folds and they are especially useful in poker rooms that play deep stack poker. When the player is met with a quality draw or a met hand, you can expect to win almost every time by playing suited connectors. The reason behind this is that even small hands like 3 and 4 of spades can be used very subtly without raising any eyebrows.
Mistakes When Playing Suited Connectors
There are multiple factors to consider when playing poker. Even if one of these key points is missed, the game could easily turn from a potential win to a complete loss.
1. Overcalling
Although Suited Connector seems like a very interesting and tempting play, you must keep in mind the risks and only use it under the right circumstances. Playing the hand does make sense when you know that your opponents are weaker and are less likely to make a squeeze play.2. Avoid 3 Betting against calling stations
In a game, if your opponent is less likely to fold, it is better to avoid this hand and 3 bet bluff, as you risk losing the opportunity to 3 bet the hand.3. Four Betting
If you feel like you may end up four betting your hand, it is better to not play the suited connector hand unless you have blockers. We aren't saying it's a terrible play, but despite having good post-flop playability and decent implied odds, it may not win you every game.Conclusion
As we spoke earlier, poker is a game of skill, chance, and concentration. However good these different hands may look, ultimately, the win or loss is determined by the players' ability to read their opponents and act accordingly. There are many poker rooms that offer poker Rakeback in their promotion period and you can make use of it to better increase your profit from the games. That being said, We hope that you were able to get better clarity and understanding regarding Suited Connectors and will be able to make good use of the hand in your game.